Source code for geogen.config

"""The ``config`` module holds the :class:`Config <geogen.config.Config>` class and related default variables.

import spiceypy as spice
import json
import os
from loguru import logger

"""Default output data directory is the data directory relative to from where GEOGEN is executed.
"""Symbol used in the Configuration file to specify the path of a mission metakernel file relative to path of the
ESA's SPICE Kernels Datasets (SKDs) top-level directory, which specified by the ``ESA_SPICE_KERNELS`` environment

    -226:    ['ROSETTA', 'ROS', 'ROSETTA ORBITER'],
    -226800: ['RL', 'ROS_LANDER', 'PHILAE'],
    -143:    ['TGO', 'TRACE GAS ORBITER', 'EXOMARS TGO', 'EXOMARS 2016 TGO'],
    -238:    ['S1', 'SM1', 'SMART1', 'SMART-1'],
""" Set dictionary variable mapping PDS instrument host ID with SPICE NAIF spacecraft body name and synonyms, and
consequently defining allowed mission IDs in configuration file. For example: 'Mercury Planetary Orbiter' as instrument
host/spacecraft name in PDS label will be translated into 'MPO', which becomes an allowed mission ID in the
configuration file.
# Define a instrument host/spacecraft body name/ID code pair based on PDS_NAIF_MAPPING above.
for code in PDS_NAIF_MAPPING.keys():
    for name in reversed(PDS_NAIF_MAPPING[code]):
        spice.boddef(name, code)

[docs]class Config: """Class that represents a configuration to be used for computation. It mainly allows to retrieve information from a :ref:`config_file_spec` and load SPICE kernels. Attributes: config_file (str): Configuration file path. b3f_dir (str): B3F data directory path. geojson_dir (str): GeoJSON data directory path. log_dir (str): LOG data directory path. addendum_dir (str): Addendum kernels directory path. skd_basedir (str): SPICE Kernels Datasets (SKD) top-level directory path. """ def __init__(self, config_file, data_dir=DEFAULT_DATA_DIR, addendum_dir=''): """Constructs Config object. Args: config_file (str): Configuration file path. data_dir (str, optional): Data directory path (default is :ref:`DEFAULT_DATA_DIR`). addendum_dir (str, optional): Addendum directory path (default is the package data addendum directory). """ # load config file a json object. with open(config_file, 'r') as fp: self.config_dict = json.load(fp) # set config file self.config_file = config_file # Set output B3F and GeoJSON data and log files base directories abs_data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(data_dir), '') self.b3f_dir = os.path.join(abs_data_dir, 'b3f/') self.geojson_dir = os.path.join(abs_data_dir, 'geojson/') self.log_dir = os.path.join(abs_data_dir, 'log/') # Addendum kernels are always located in the data/addendum/ directory # where the geogen package is installed. if addendum_dir: self.addendum_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(addendum_dir), '') else: package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) self.addendum_dir = package_dir + '/data/addendum/' # Set path to ESA's SKDs base directory self.skd_basedir = os.getenv('ESA_SPICE_KERNELS') assert (self.skd_basedir != ''), "ESA_SPICE_KERNELS environment variable must be defined."
[docs] def get_missions(self): """Returns all mission IDs and definitions. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[dict]]: """ mission_ids = [] mission_dicts = self.config_dict['missions'] for mission_dict in mission_dicts: mission_ids.append(mission_dict['id']) return mission_ids, mission_dicts
[docs] def get_mission(self, mission_id): """Returns the mission definition for a given mission ID. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. Returns: dict: Mission definition dictionary. """ mission_dict = {} mission_ids, mission_dicts = self.get_missions() for this_mission_dict in mission_dicts: if this_mission_dict['id'] == mission_id: mission_dict = this_mission_dict return mission_dict
[docs] def get_instruments(self, mission_id): """Returns instrument IDs and definitions for a given mission ID. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ instrument_ids = [] mission_dict = self.get_mission(mission_id) instrument_dicts = [] if mission_dict: instrument_dicts = mission_dict['instruments'] for this_instrument_dict in instrument_dicts: instrument_ids.append(this_instrument_dict['id']) return instrument_ids, instrument_dicts
[docs] def get_instrument(self, mission_id, instrument_id): """Returns the instrument definition for a given mission ID and instrument ID. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. instrument_id (str): Instrument ID. Returns: dict: Instrument definition dictionary. """ instrument_dict = {} instrument_ids, instrument_dicts = self.get_instruments(mission_id) for this_instrument_dict in instrument_dicts: if this_instrument_dict['id'] == instrument_id: instrument_dict = this_instrument_dict return instrument_dict
[docs] def get_products(self, mission_id, instrument_id): """Returns product types, definitions and default type for a given mission ID. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. instrument_id (str): Instrument ID. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[dict], str]: """ product_types = [] instrument_dict = self.get_instrument(mission_id, instrument_id) product_dicts = [] default_product_type = '' if instrument_dict: product_dicts = instrument_dict['products'] default_product_type = product_dicts[0]['type'] for this_product_dict in product_dicts: product_types.append(this_product_dict['type']) return product_types, product_dicts, default_product_type
[docs] def get_product(self, mission_id, instrument_id, product_type): """Returns the product definition and default type for a given mission ID, instrument ID and product type. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. instrument_id (str): Instrument ID. product_type (str): Product type. Returns: Tuple[dict, str]: """ product_dict = {} product_types, product_dicts, default_product_type = self.get_products(mission_id, instrument_id) # Set input product_type to default if empty if product_type not in product_types: product_type = default_product_type logger.warning( 'Undefined or null input product_type: default <{}/{}/{}> product type definition used instead.'.format( mission_id, instrument_id, default_product_type)) for this_product_dict in product_dicts: if this_product_dict['type'] == product_type: product_dict = this_product_dict product_dict['type'] = product_type # update product type to handle null input product_type return product_dict, default_product_type
[docs] def get_product_class(self, mission_id, instrument_id, product_type): """Returns the product class name for a given mission ID, instrument ID and product type. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. instrument_id (str): Instrument ID. product_type (str): Product type. Returns: str: Product class name (see :ref:`instrument_product_class`). """ product_class = '' product_dict, default_product_type = self.get_product(mission_id, instrument_id, product_type) if product_dict: product_class = product_dict['py_class'] if product_dict['py_class'] != '' else 'Product' return product_class
[docs] def get_product_req_props(self, mission_id, instrument_id, product_type, pds_version='PDS3'): """Returns the product required properties for a given mission ID, instrument ID and product type. Args: mission_id (str): Mission ID. instrument_id (str): Instrument ID. product_type (str): Product type. pds_version (str, optional): PDS version, either 'PDS3' (default) or 'PDS4'. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[str], str]: List of properties names, paths, and default product type. """ # Add product properties common to all products # if mission_id == '': pds_version = pds_version else: # get PDS version for input mission ID mission_dict = self.get_mission(mission_id) pds_version = mission_dict['pds_version'] # get required product properties for applicable PDS version req_product_props = self.config_dict['req_product_props'] # list of {"name": "", "path": ""} req_props_names = [] req_props_paths = [] for req_product_prop in req_product_props: req_props_names.append(req_product_prop['name']) req_props_paths.append(req_product_prop['path'][pds_version]) # return required properties name and path if mission or instrument ID are not provided default_product_type = '' if mission_id == '' or instrument_id == '': return req_props_names, req_props_paths, default_product_type # Append additional required properties for given instrument, instrument and product type. product_dict, default_product_type = self.get_product(mission_id, instrument_id, product_type) req_props = [] if 'req_props' in product_dict.keys(): req_props = product_dict['req_props'] for req_prop in req_props: req_props_names.append(req_prop['name']) req_props_paths.append(req_prop['path']) return req_props_names, req_props_paths, default_product_type
[docs] def get_kernels(self, mission): """Returns the list of SPICE kernels defined for a given mission ID. Args: mission (str): Mission ID. Returns: List[str]: """ spice_kernels = [] missions = self.config_dict['missions'] for this_mission in missions: if this_mission['id'] == mission: spice_kernels = this_mission['spice_kernels'] for i, spice_kernel in enumerate(spice_kernels): if KERNELS_PATH_SYMBOL in spice_kernel: spice_kernel = spice_kernel.replace(KERNELS_PATH_SYMBOL, self.skd_basedir, 1) spice_kernel = spice_kernel.replace('//', '/', 1) else: spice_kernel = self.addendum_dir + spice_kernel spice_kernel = spice_kernel.replace('//', '/', 1) spice_kernels[i] = spice_kernel return spice_kernels
[docs] def load_kernels(self, spice_kernels): """Load a list of SPICE kernels. Args: spice_kernels (List[str]): List of SPICE kernels. """ # Set initial loaded status and SKD version loaded = False skd_version = '' # set mission kernels base directory from metakernel path # Assumption: kernels directory in an SKD is always 'kernels'. Eg: # ~/workspace/git-repos/spice_kernels/mars-express/kernels # path = spice_kernels[0] # full metakernel path basename = '' while basename != 'kernels': path = os.path.dirname(path) if path == '' or path == '/': break basename = os.path.basename(path) kernels_path = path if kernels_path == '': logger.warning('Unable to derive mission SKD kernels/ path.') return loaded, skd_version # first kernel must always be a mission metakernel that is not loaded # using usual furnsh routine. for i, spice_kernel in enumerate(spice_kernels): if i == 0: # load meta-kernel spice.ldpool(spice_kernel) path_symb, found = spice.gcpool('PATH_SYMBOLS', 0, 1, 20) pool_kernels, found = spice.gcpool('KERNELS_TO_LOAD', 0, 5000, 100) skd_version, found = spice.gcpool('SKD_VERSION', 0, 1, 100) if found: skd_version = skd_version[0] for pool_kernel in pool_kernels: spice.furnsh(pool_kernel.replace('$' + path_symb[0], kernels_path)) else: # load addendum kernels spice.furnsh(spice_kernel) loaded = True return loaded, skd_version
[docs] def get_kernels_reference_time(self, body_name): # SPK (used by geogen fov command) """Get reference ephemeris time for a given SPICE body name. Used by the :ref:`geogen_cli` ``fov`` command. Args: body_name (str): SPICE body name (mission ID). Returns: float: """ reference_time = 0.0 idcode, exists = spice.bodn2c(body_name) n_kernels = spice.ktotal('SPK') for i in range(n_kernels): file, type, source, handle, found = spice.kdata(i, 'SPK', 256, 33, 256) if found: spk_file = os.path.abspath(file) time_window = spice.spkcov(spk_file, idcode) n_intervals = spice.wncard(time_window) if n_intervals > 0: et_start, et_stop = spice.wnfetd(time_window, 0) reference_time = (et_start + et_stop) / 2 return reference_time return reference_time
[docs] def get_primary_target(self, mission): """Get primary target of a given mission ID. Args: mission (str): Mission ID. Returns: str: Target name. """ missions = self.config_dict['missions'] for this_mission in missions: if this_mission['id'] == mission: if 'primary_target' in this_mission.keys(): return this_mission['primary_target'] else: print('WARNING: No primary_target defined for ' + this_mission['name'] + '.') return ''
[docs] def get_applicable_targets(self): """Return applicable target names. Returns: List[str]: """ try: applicable_targets = self.config_dict['applicable_targets'] except Exception as e: logger.warning('Could not retrieve applicable_targets in config file {}'.format(self.config_file)) applicable_targets = [] return applicable_targets
[docs] def get_target_frame(self, target_name): """Returns body-fixed reference frame defined for a given target. Args: target_name (str): Target name. Returns: str: Target body-fixed reference frame name. """ targets = self.config_dict['targets'] for this_target in targets: if this_target['name'] == target_name: if 'frame' in this_target.keys(): return this_target['frame'] return ''
[docs] def get_dsk_file(self, target_name): """Returns the SPICE DSK file defined for a given target. Args: target_name (str): Target name. Returns: str: SPICE DSK file path. """ targets = self.config_dict['targets'] for this_target in targets: if this_target['name'] == target_name: if 'dsk_file' in this_target.keys(): return self.addendum_dir + this_target['dsk_file'] return ''